Bitachon is the Best Sleeping Pill
Mrs. Klein* had a hard time falling asleep one night because she had a bad dream. She called up the Bitachon hotline and pressed the
Mrs. Klein* had a hard time falling asleep one night because she had a bad dream. She called up the Bitachon hotline and pressed the
Rabbi Golombeck was taking a taxi with a heimeshe driver. He told Rabbi Golombeck that his Kabbalah was never to complain. He said even when
Mrs. Goldfarb’s* young son was having nightmares every night and was scared of robbers and scary non-Jews. She started telling her son every night that
Rabbi Golombeck was in Santander Bank waiting in line, and there was a Heimeshe Yid behind him. Rabbi Golombeck told him, “I know time is
Rabbi Golombeck had a flood in his basement, which caused a lot of damage, so he filed an insurance claim. He hired a public adjuster
R’ Schechter,* a yungerman, was offered the zechus to drive the Rosh Yeshiva of BMG, Rav Yerucham Olshin, somewhere that he needed to go. He
Rabbi Golombeck was at Leifer’s shul. A Yid by the name of R’ Chaim* had a yahrzeit for his mother. He was about to go
Mrs. Rosenberg* walked out of her house, and she saw a friend, who she had not met in a long time, coming towards her. Right
Mrs. Meisel’s* daughter was diagnosed with bipolar. She was going through many issues and struggles in school. Her mother got very down about it and
R’ Halpert* used to work with somebody, and he was very jealous of that other person. He felt that he was more successful and more
R’ Lazer was on a heavy medicine that had the side effect of making him feel weak and dizzy. One day, after he took the medicine,
Mrs. Greenberg* could neither swallow or fall asleep due to severe throat pain. She had heard on A Life with Bitachon from R’ Yehuda Mendel
The Spring Hill Times is a newspaper focused on happy positive news, with a special focus on how wonderful Hashem is to us. The reader will also get a glimpse of the greatness of Hashem and the greatness of Klal Yisrael.