July 8, 2024
Mrs. Klein* had a hard time falling asleep one night because she had a bad dream. She called up the Bitachon hotline and pressed the question section. It was all about what to do for a bad dream! Another...
June 24, 2024
Rabbi Golombeck was taking a taxi with a heimeshe driver. He told Rabbi Golombeck that his Kabbalah was never to complain. He said even when there is a lot of traffic and we’re bumper to bumper;...
June 24, 2024
Mrs. Goldfarb’s* young son was having nightmares every night and was scared of robbers and scary non-Jews. She started telling her son every night that Hashem is protecting us and He loves us....
April 16, 2024
Rabbi Golombeck was in Santander Bank waiting in line, and there was a Heimeshe Yid behind him. Rabbi Golombeck told him, “I know time is precious to every Yid, but you should just know that I’m going...
April 15, 2024
Rabbi Golombeck had a flood in his basement, which caused a lot of damage, so he filed an insurance claim. He hired a public adjuster to make sure the insurance company would give him the full amount...
March 27, 2024
R’ Schechter,* a yungerman, was offered the zechus to drive the Rosh Yeshiva of BMG, Rav Yerucham Olshin, somewhere that he needed to go. He really, really wanted to do it, but his wife needed...
March 17, 2024
Rabbi Golombeck was at Leifer’s shul. A Yid by the name of R’ Chaim* had a yahrzeit for his mother. He was about to go up to daven for the Amud, but someone else really wanted to daven for the...
March 17, 2024
Mrs. Rosenberg* walked out of her house, and she saw a friend, who she had not met in a long time, coming towards her. Right away, she started thinking: “What type of an impression am I going to make...
February 27, 2024
Mrs. Meisel’s* daughter was diagnosed with bipolar. She was going through many issues and struggles in school. Her mother got very down about it and her friend told her all about Rabbi Yehuda Mandel,...
February 27, 2024
R’ Halpert* used to work with somebody, and he was very jealous of that other person. He felt that he was more successful and more matzliach. Then he said, “One second. I listen to A Life with...
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